Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Feelings on new gun laws in NY

The winner of our nation's newest arms race is officially New York State.
New York looks to be the first state to pass a major gun law since the Connecticut Massacre.
The amazing thing; Democrats do not have the majority in the New York Senate, yet the measure passed 43-18.  It seems to me that one of the biggest criticisms of Democrats is, "They want to take away are guns."  Yet no Democrat has ever tried to take away my hunting weapons.  Nor has any Democrat tried to take away handguns from law abiding citizens.
New York is doing the right thing.  They are refining the laws to make it difficult for evil or unbalanced individuals to get assault rifles and concealed weapons permits.  I have worked in some sort of mental health vocation for nearly a decade.  I have worked with many individuals who, although they may be wonderful people, are not stable.  I would not trust some of these people with a butter knife or sharp pencil, much less an assault rifle.  Some people just don't need to have guns.
I'm glad to see that at least one state in our Union can ignore party lines to address an issue that impacts the safety of everyone.  It is time for other states to follow suit.
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